The answer is too obvious, the egg of course, because I have
it for breakfast, the chicken is for dinner. The question that worries me more
is, how and when we came by our poultry? We are told that they are originally
jungle fowl from Asia and SE Asia, OK but we seem to have had them for ever,
how did they spread all across Europe in earlier times? There was indeed a cock
crowing in the Gospels! However this happened I don’t know, but I’m very glad
we have them, not simply for their produce, but also because as animals to keep
and care for, they are pretty good as domestic animals go. My Mam used to keep
poultry when I was kid and it was my job, before school to take them the mash
she’d made up, and collect the eggs. I remember reaching into the nest boxes
feeling a warm hens bum as she softly clucked and, yes a lovely warm egg, and
she allowed you to take it without demur, my breakfast!
You don’t even need to fence them in, if you have the space
they will roam free and eat what they find, even mice, as it grows dark they
will come home to roost. As part of my childhood education I was to learn the
place in life of such bountiful and friendly little creatures, their purpose is
truly fulfilled when they landed on our plate! My mother would involve me in
discussions as to who was laying and who wasn’t, and as the chief collector of
eggs I was the Judas who would point the finger and betray my little friends.
Then she would demonstrate how to wring their necks, pluck and draw them and
prepare them for the oven. Many a happy time was spent on a stool, watching all
the innards being drawn and being told what each part was and the function it
performed, to see the little miracle of the oviduct with a chain of eggs in
gradually increasing stages of development, I was a keen student. When she
chopped the feet off I would grab them and by yanking the hanging out tendons,
I could make the claws grab stuff, and then run around the house annoying people with
them. We didn’t have many toys!
Chicken in those days was a luxury Sunday roast! We kept, I
suppose about 20 hens and a cockerel, and raised the odd clutch, so it was an infrequent
event to have roast chicken. In fact I was about 13 years old before we had
turkey at Christmas prior to that it was always chickens.
At secondary school in the 3rd and 4th
years we had a choice of Technical Drawing or Rural Science, the former were
for lads earmarked for the factories the latter for lads earmarked for the
farm. I, although headed for an apprenticeship in the broad category of
engineering, stuck out to do Rural Science for the simple reason I enjoyed it
so much, and they kept chucks! I look back now and feel, that if my life has
lacked anything at all, it’s the fact that I never felt I had the time or the
suitable place to keep hens!
Many people express concern regarding commercial poultry
management, I have my concerns too, they need room to roam and peck at the
soil. They need to breathe fresh air. They are living creatures, as we are, and
a lot of improvements have been made in providing better living conditions for
poultry in this country. We owe this to poultry, we have had a mutually beneficent
arrangement with them for thousands of
years. They as a species have benefitted, in that not only has the species
survived, but there possibly more poultry than people. Please don’t buy cage eggs, barn eggs are no
better. When you buy a whole chicken, look at its scaly leg joint, if it’s got
a brown mark or ulcer, please don’t buy
it, it hasn’t had room to move, it has been sat, in poo. We can do better for
our chucks they deserve it.